Drive Sales Excellence & Experience Revenue Boost with Sales Force Automation Software

Elevate sales efficiency with SalesJump, the next-gen Sales Force Automation software for field force management with inbuild Order management system. Achieve impactful sales goals from Day Plan to Analysis.

Sales Force Automation

Know the Features of SalesJump Sales Force Automation Software

Primary & Secondary Order

Primary & Secondary Order

Analyse, manage, track orders and sales from Distributors & Retailers and stay up-to-date.

  Streamlined Order Management

  Sales & Order History

  Enhanced Tracking & Insights

Attendance & Leave

Attendance & Leave

Know your sales force’s day plan, visit details, attendance & leave details through MyDay Plan.

  Automated Attendance Tracking

  Leave & Approval Workflow

  Real-time Visibilit

In-Store & Merchandising

In-Store & Merchandising

Easily analyse the opening & closing stock in instore & merchandising & strategies your marketing plans accordingly.

  Stocks Management

  Product Performance in the Market

  Analytics of Consumer Behaviour

Schemes, Discounts & Claims

Schemes, Discounts & Claims

Inform your sales team about the schemes & Discounts for each products & enhance sales.

  Configurable Pricing

  Order & Sales Details

  Effective Management

Expense Management

Expense Management

Automate your expense management & manage through semi-automatic & manual ways.

  Easy Expense Management

  Approval Workflows

  Receipt Uploads

Geo-Tagging & Geo-Fencing

Geo-Tagging & Geo-Fencing

Tag your retailers & fence the location through defined radius and stop false reporting.

  Precise Location Tracking

  Easy Mgmt of Field Force Movement

  No Duplication of Retailers

Van Sales Management

Van Sales Management

Know your van sales movements, stock details & everything in a single platform.

  Route Planning & Optimisation

  Order Management

  Opening & Closing Stock Details

Reports & Analytics

Reports & Analytics

Analyse, manage & strategies your business & marketing plans through our effective reports & analytics.

  Static & Configurable Reports

  Real-Time Data Insights

  Advanced Data Visualisation

Collaborate with every stakeholder using our state-of-the-art Salesforce Automation Software platform and enhance your business reach!

Mobile App

Work Smarter. Stay Connected. Drive Success with Salesforce Automation Software. Curate a new-gen efficiency in your sales team performance.

Place Orders Effortlessly

Sales teams can place primary & secondary orders from distributors & retailers, manage sales, and track orders with zero errors.

Plan Ahead, Stay Ahead!

Plan the visits beforehand, make adjustments accordingly & get approvals on the go with Standard & Myday Plan.

Manage Expenses like a Pro!

Effectively manage expenses through automatic, semi-automatic & manual upload methods along with multiple approval system. Sales teams can also upload miscellaneous & other expenses.

Analytics at the Fingertip!

Sales teams can know their achievements through numerous reports like target vs achievement, performance reports, etc & enhance their performance instantly.

Sales Force Automation Mobile App

Web App

Run your business as you want with our effective insights!

Sales Force Automation Web App
Know your Business Performance

Analyse your business productivity through static & configurable reports, strategies your sales & marketing plans and manage sales teams effectiveness.

Set. Automate. Strategies

Automate your expenses based on the kms & distance travelled by the sales team & manage expenses of the sales team & analyse it through reports.

Know your sales team presence!

Managers & admins can know the sales team attendance & leaves through MyDay Plans without having to juggle between multiple applications.

Keep your sales force informed

Effortlessly manage schemes & discounts of all your products by setting them in the web app & this will be automatically reflected in the SFA mobile app.

See more on Sales Jump SFA Modules

Sales Force Automation Architecture

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Sales Force Automation

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